Financial Advisory in France

Paris is the headquarters of the firm's corporate and investment banking activities in France, the Shareholder Advisory business for Europe and the global Sovereign Advisory business.  

Financial Advisory services for Central and Eastern Europe, as well as for the Middle East and Africa - in conjunction with the office in Riyadh - are also managed from Paris.

Paris is home to a significant number of industry experts who support Lazard's other offices across continental Europe. From France, Lazard Frères supports its clients around the world by capitalizing on the group's presence in 26 countries.

Financial Advisory Services:

We provide strategic and M&A advisory to companies and investors. Lazard Frères' activities cover all economic sectors and companies of all sizes, including small and medium-sized companies through LazardNext.

We provide advisory on equity, convertible and equity derivative transactions.

We provide advisory on debt transactions and corporate debt restructuring.

We provide advisory on shareholder relations and shareholder activism.

We provide advisory on fund raising and secondary transactions and continuation funds for investment fund managers.

We provide financial advisory to governments and sovereign entities.

At Lazard Frères, we aim to be the benchmark financial advisory firm for all our corporate, investor and government clients. We provide them with comprehensive, wide-ranging expertise and access to the entire Lazard network worldwide. To this end, we strive to draw on the best talent in each of our businesses and to create the conditions for a culture of excellence and inclusion so that all team members can reach their full potential.

Jean-Louis Girodolle Co-Head of European Investment Banking

Lazard Unveils New Art "Intervention" Atop Paris Office

In October 2023, Lazard was delighted to unveil a beautiful art "intervention" on the roof of the Paris office, created by renowned international artist Daniel Buren. The work, "Les Nuages Colorés" (Colorful Clouds), is located atop Lazard's building on Boulevard Haussmann, and is comprised of hundreds of vertical strips, alternately clear and colored, employing the use of color and transparency to creating a multitude of nuances, projections and reflections as the sun moves through the sky throughout the day.

Read more about Les Nuages Colorés.